Map Ranking


Opponents defeated: 68.122.717 (12.)
Night bonus: Current: 00:00-08:00

Villages (570) Coordinates Points
536|489 10.301
535|486 10.743
537|488 10.260
536|485 10.114
536|488 10.164
536|486 10.365
475|605 9.600
A cup of tea
487|517 9.741
Albert Einstein
488|513 9.724
Amelia Earhart
492|517 9.676
Animal Park
493|577 10.142
Animal Park 2
492|577 10.196
Animal Park 3
492|575 9.746
Animal Park 4
493|573 13.506
Animal Park 5
493|578 9.973
491|555 9.720
Annihilated 2
489|554 9.720
Annihilated 3
490|553 9.724
Annihilated 4
490|556 9.721
Annihilated 5
489|557 9.721
Annihilated 6
490|554 9.724
Annihilated 7
489|556 9.719
554|449 10.449
469|616 9.746
Back to the future
477|592 10.196
Back to the future 2
476|591 10.195
Back to the future 3
477|593 9.952
Back to the future 4
476|590 9.740
Back to the future 5
477|594 9.742
Back to the future 6
475|591 10.229
Baker McBiscuit
449|419 11.465
Baker McBiscuit
441|410 12.154
Baker McBiscuit
441|413 10.445
Baker McBiscuit
439|407 10.290
Barbarian village
527|496 10.791
Barbarian village
527|489 10.610
Barbarian village
528|490 10.007
Barbarian village
462|454 9.672
Barbarian village
460|451 9.645
Barbarian village
575|450 10.664
Barbarian village
577|451 10.452
Barbarian village
419|456 10.981
Barbarian village
582|453 12.237
Barbarian village
463|600 9.983
Barbarian village
485|616 3.814
Barbarian village
383|475 1.221
489|559 9.835
Bäst före datum
488|518 9.783
482|611 10.195
Båstad 2
484|611 10.207
Båstad 3
481|611 9.686
Båstad 4
483|612 11.644
Båstad 5
484|613 9.855
493|562 9.883
Bazinga 2
492|563 10.237
490|546 10.200
Bergshamra 2
488|546 10.161
Bergshamra 3
487|546 10.152
Bergshamra 4
486|546 9.412
Bergshamra 5
487|544 10.270
Bermuda triangeln
477|587 9.762
Bermuda triangeln 2
479|587 9.758
Bermuda triangeln 3
477|585 10.290
Bermuda triangeln 4
477|586 10.195
Blåst på konfekten
477|610 9.720
Blåst på konfekten 2
474|614 9.976
Blåst på konfekten 3
477|611 10.196
Blåst på konfekten 4
477|612 10.195
Blåst på konfekten 5
475|613 10.357
485|523 10.228
468|608 10.195
Blondie 2
466|611 9.860
Blondie 3
465|612 9.860
Blue saints
463|614 10.045
Blue saints 2
464|613 10.774
Blueberry village
498|572 9.774
433|466 10.728
Bortkastad tid
484|594 9.719
Bortkastad tid 2
482|594 9.540
Bortkastad tid 3
486|593 9.725
Bortkastad tid 4
486|595 9.719
Bortkastad tid 5
484|595 9.720
Bortkastad tid 6
481|597 10.062
Bortkastad tid 7
483|596 10.196
492|558 10.011
Böskekvinne 2
491|559 9.729
Böskekvinne 3
493|558 10.014
Böskekvinne 4
490|558 10.199
Böskekvinne 5
491|556 10.142
Böskekvinne 6
494|557 10.199
473|546 10.216
Brazaville village
485|556 9.330
Brazaville village 2
481|559 9.693
Broken arrow
492|548 10.195
Broken arrow 2
494|548 10.197
Broken arrow 3
494|550 9.193
Broken arrow 4
494|552 9.720
Broken arrow 5
495|553 9.771
Broken arrow 6
496|552 10.146
Broken arrow 7
496|554 9.862
Display all leftover 470 villages
Personal picture
Victory achievements
Winning Tribe

You vanquished Casual 10 with your tribe Matter.

Daily achievements
11x Attacker of the day

Defeat the most units in this world as the attacker.

Best result: on 19.09.2024 (864.096 units)

6x Defender of the day

Defeat the most units in this world as the defender.

Best result: on 19.04.2024 (83.233 units)

20x Looter of the day

Plunder the most resources in this world.

Best result: on 29.11.2024 (20.218.358 resources)

6x Plunderer of the day

Plunder the most villages in this world.

Best result: on 02.11.2024 (35 villages)

9x Great power of the day

Conquer the most villages in this world.

Best result: on 17.04.2024 (13 villages)

14x Supporter of the day

Defeat the most units in this world as a supporter.

Best result: on 22.04.2024 (172.313 units)

Combat achievements
Death of a hero (Gold - Level 4)

While supporting other villages, lose 100.000 of your units.

Leader (Gold - Level 4)

Defeat a total of 20.000.000 enemy units.

Nobles Faith (Gold - Level 4)

Defeat 500 noblemen in battle.

Reliable Commander (Gold - Level 4)

Support other players 3.000 times in battles.

Robber (Gold - Level 4)

Loot a total of 100.000.000 resources.

Self-attack (Gold - Level 4)

Attack yourself and lose more than 10.000 units in one battle.

Successful noble claims (Gold - Level 4)

Conquer 100 claimed villages.

Conquest (Silver - Level 3)

Conquer a total of 500 villages.

Master of the Battlefield (Silver - Level 3)

Completely destroy 1.000 hostile armies.

Plunderer (Silver - Level 3)

Plunder resources from other villages 1.000 times.

Scout Hunter (Silver - Level 3)

Defeat 250 scouting attacks.

Wallbreaker (Silver - Level 3)

Destroy 2.500 Wall levels using your rams.

Demolisher (Bronze - Level 2)

Destroy 250 building levels using catapults.

The Warlord (Bronze - Level 2)

Attack 25 different players

Lucky fellow

Conquer a village by getting the loyalty down to exactly 0.


Conquer yourself, because that's the only way to show them who's boss.

Unlucky fellow

Fail to conquer a village due to the loyalty only being reduced to +1.

Social achievements
Brothers in Arms (Gold - Level 4)

Be a member of the same tribe for 360 consecutive days.

Beloved Friend (Bronze - Level 2)

Make a total of 15 friendships.

Philanthropist (Wood - Level 1)

Gift a Premium subscription to 1 player.

Growth achievements
Band of Brothers (Gold - Level 4)

Have 10 paladins.

Continent scorer (Gold - Level 4)

Make it into the top 1 of a continent!

Librarian (Gold - Level 4)

Discover 12 unique Skill Books.

Market Guru (Gold - Level 4)

Trade resources using the market 1.000 times.

Paladin's level (Gold - Level 4)

Level up your paladin to level 30.

Recruitment Drive (Gold - Level 4)

Recruit a total of 1.000.000 units!

Wealth comes in gold (Gold - Level 4)

Mint 50.000 gold coins.

Accomplished student (Silver - Level 3)

Improve your paladins' skills to a combined total of 100 skill levels.

Architect (Silver - Level 3)

Build a total of 5.000 building levels!

Gatherer (Silver - Level 3)

Scavenge a total of 10.000.000 resources.

Out of time (Silver - Level 3)

Use the instant complete option 2.000 times!

Score champion (Silver - Level 3)

Climb the rankings tables and reach 100.000 points.

Top scorer (Silver - Level 3)

Make it into the top 20 in the world.

Master of Quests (Wood - Level 1)

Complete 40 quests!

Other achievements
Years of Service (Gold - Level 6)

Play Tribal Wars for 6 years.

Ancient Forge: Collector of Recipes (Gold - Level 4)

Find 40 unique recipes.

Ancient Forge: Master Smith (Gold - Level 4)

Craft 40 items.

Barricade Battle: Did you find him yet?

Lead the daily ranking at the end of the event day.

Barricade Battle: Predator (Gold - Level 4)

Defeat 180.000 enemy units in the Barricade Battle.

Barricade Battle: Detective (Silver - Level 3)

Clear 75% of the stages.

Battle of the Tower: New World Conqueror (Gold - Level 4)

Help your group to annex 25 sectors in the Battle of the Tower.

Battle of the Tower: Superior General!

Lead the attack ranking at the end of a battle.

Beast Mountain: Equip your hero

Equip your hero with all pieces of equipment.

Beast Mountain: Hunter (Gold - Level 4)

Defeat 5 beasts in the Beast of the Black Mountain event.

Beast Mountain: Legendary equipment

Equip your hero with at least one legendary equipment.

Card Master (Gold - Level 4)

Awarded for winning 80 rounds.

The Strategist (Gold - Level 4)

Awarded for performing 30 double changes.

Castle Assault: It Goes Boom!

Lead the Bombardment action gauge when it triggers.

Castle Assault: Join the fun! (Gold - Level 4)

Contribute 15.000 medals to help the tribe.

Castle Assault: On the Front Line!

Lead the Assault action gauge when it triggers.

Castle Assault: Row Faster!

Lead the Naval Supply action gauge when it triggers.

Castle Assault: Siegelord (Silver - Level 3)

Participate in the destruction of 6 castles.

Seas of Fortune: Explorer (Gold - Level 4)

Explore 40 regions.

Seas of Fortune: Great Discovery (Bronze - Level 2)

Explore 2 different islands.

Tribal Wars Wizardry: Hat experimenter

Acquire one of the mysterious hats from the Wizard or other players.

Tribal Wars Wizardry: Repeat customer (Wood - Level 1)

Visit the Wizard Emporium 5 times

Noble's Fair: The wheel keeps spinning (Bronze - Level 2)

Spin the wheel 10 times.

Noble's Fair: Enjoying the Fair (Wood - Level 1)

Finish 2 activity mini-games in the Noble's fair.

Achievements on other worlds
World 117

World 118

World 121

World 122

World 124

World 125

World 136

World 137

Casual 10

World 119

World 120