Map Ranking

The Beginning of the End

Tribe name:The Beginning of the End
Number of members:5
Points of the best 20 players45.356
Total points:45.356
Average points:9.071
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 94.468 (54.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
OGVipper 1 17,439 286 4
Awesomepoke1 2 9,963 411 1
dodongflw 3 7,179 535 1
waring king 4 7,041 542 1
simiwarior 5 3,734 656 1
skull_and_crossbones We are The Beginning of TheEnd. skull_and_crossbones

Come join us and bring upon TheEnd together!
You can be the murderer you've always wanted! Axeman

Founder: OGVipperprince